Sunday 14 February 2016

Entry Tests in Pakistan. Everything you need to know.


"Entry Test" is the most commonly and talked about word when it comes to getting admission in a university in Pakistan (and abroad as well). This word is popular among the students doing F.Sc and A levels. Also, this word is notorious for creating a terror in the hearts of  students due to its, well, true terror stories. But what exactly is an Entry Test. Well, let's go further explaining it.

Entry Tests are conducted by all the universities providing admissions in their programs. The most famous entry tests are Nust Entry Test (NET), Engineering College Admission Test (ECAT), and those of GIKI, PIEAS so forth and so on. I would be covering each of these tests in the upcoming posts.

Okay, so a number of questions pop up in the students on daily basis. What is the syllabus of an Entry Test ? What are the number of questions? What is the pattern? How to prepare? The test dates etc.
  • The questions involved in an Entry Test are not Greek to you. They are from the same topics as you have covered in the curriculum of your F.Sc or A levels course. The questions are related to the same topics but they do involve some tricky words or situations so that you'd be required to answer using the concept of that particular topic. Grasping the concepts given in your textbooks is the key to ace Entrance Exams. Cramming won't help at all. (as it did in the F.Sc :p)
  • Different Tests have different number and pattern of questions. For example Nust Entry Test has 200 questions, all of them MCQs. ECAT has 90 questions etc. 
  • As far as the preparation is related, there is NO institution, that can guarantee your admission in the university you want to be in. However, they do provide you preparatory material. But I, being one of the victims of using such material, honestly say they were useless and didn't help a bit. So what to do ? A LOT YOU CAN DO. Stay tuned for further articles, covering preparation tips.
  • The test dates are announced a month before the test itself. Almost all the tests are conducted after the FSc and A levels exams. More details will be covered in up coming articles.
I'd like to end the article by answering to a question. Is an Entry Test, "Zindagi or Maut ka sawaal ?". Definitely NOT. It is just a test, like other tests with the testing of concepts and not the routine Book questions. Entry Tests are easy, but require your full attention and concentration.

Feel free to comment. I'd get back to you as soon as possible. :)